Christmas Holidays Social - 2013
The Annual Christmas Holiday party was, as always, well
attended by a festively dressed crowd. More than 60 people gathered at Ginny Legge’s
beautiful and well decorated home. Once again we feasted our eyes on her
spectacular all gold decorated Christmas Tree while, at the same time, feasted
our bodies on a wide variety of treats. The dessert table seemed to be a main
attraction and it is hard not to notice that it was at times completely
surrounded by an all-male contingent.
Fellowship and goodwill were the keynotes of the evening as old friends got together to enjoy the occasion and each other. The weather was near perfect, if a trifle warm for December, but there were no complaints as icy blasts were ripping through the northern sections of the country. There was a spirit of warmth within the group that had nothing to do with weather but everything to do with sharing conversation with each other. Our great Club Photographer, Bob Carlsen was under the weather but many thanks to his wife Janet for stepping in to chronicle the event. Someone said to me “This was truly a very special evening” And that said it all. ...Cass |