February Fun - 2013
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Grand Haven Croquet Club Members gathered in the morning shadows on the courts in their whites and formal wear to celebrate the beginning of February. February came from the Roman Festival of purification. It also is the only month adding a day every four years, called Leap Year. Chips were used to match up the players.
Many dressed in in their formal attire with anticipation of winning the big prize.
Many dressed in in their formal attire with anticipation of winning the big prize.

Time for the chip toss to match up the players. Off they went, all 22 of them to their respective places on the courts to play a 40 minute game. Games were a little different today, each started using the Golf Croquet start method. Low handicappers helped the high handicappers to learn the game and strategy. No records of wins or loses were kept, just a day of fun.
George was pleased to present Bob S the 1st Place Award for Best Dressed Formal attire in the men’s category. Bob showed his emotion and was taken back receiving the coveted desk set. George explained that it even had a place to put the mail and showed Bob the Denny’s discount certificate which was part of his prize. |
Keep looking for future event like "The Battle of the Sexes", “March Madness", "Changes of Attitude" all events where you can express yourself, and play without pressure.
Thanks George, looks like everyone had FUN!
Thanks George, looks like everyone had FUN!