Court Procedures ...
Please make an extra effort to observe the following procedures at the Creekside Croquet Court.
1. Upon completion of your games make sure that the Courts are clear of all trash or debris.
2. All Boards should be put in the white storage box along with stakes, balls and timers.
3. Please use the deadness board holders instead of placing the boards on the ground. They are far less likely to suffer damage (dented aluminum slides, broken easel backs, etc.)
4. The lids on the white storage boxes should remain closed when not in use, especially if there is rain and/or wind.
5. Make sure all balls and markers are accounted for before leaving the court.
6. Do not put green sand on areas where there is evidence of black mold. If the mold is covered up the grounds crew cannot see that it needs to be sprayed.
7. Do not practice jump shots on the playing portion of the court. You may practice outside the white border lines of the court if it does not interfere with a game in progress.
8. Help keep our storage boxes neat and clean and the tops wiped off, as well as the table tops.
9. Fold the towels neatly if dry, hang them over the edge of the box if wet.
10. Remember to thank the facilitators for whatever they do and they will be sure to do more.
Website Page last modified May 18, 2020