Hey Rookie ...
Here's one for you. Red ball is dead on yellow ball, and red is now ball in hand with the blue ball, which is set up for a long roll shot. When hitting the roll the blue goes where it was supposed to but the red ball (which is the striker ball) hits the yellow ball (on which it is dead)….
Do the balls go back and the player miss his turn or what. This really happened last week. I am not sure of the ruling what do you think? John.
Hey John:
This is a situation that does occur from time to time.... unfortunately for the striker!! In this case, two of the three balls will be replaced. Blue will retain whatever position it acquires due to the shot and both red and yellow will be returned to the spot where they were when the shot was played. Red's turn will now be over so, in a sense, red has lost it's second shot. Please refer to Rule 11.3(c)
Here's one for you. Red ball is dead on yellow ball, and red is now ball in hand with the blue ball, which is set up for a long roll shot. When hitting the roll the blue goes where it was supposed to but the red ball (which is the striker ball) hits the yellow ball (on which it is dead)….
Do the balls go back and the player miss his turn or what. This really happened last week. I am not sure of the ruling what do you think? John.
Hey John:
This is a situation that does occur from time to time.... unfortunately for the striker!! In this case, two of the three balls will be replaced. Blue will retain whatever position it acquires due to the shot and both red and yellow will be returned to the spot where they were when the shot was played. Red's turn will now be over so, in a sense, red has lost it's second shot. Please refer to Rule 11.3(c)
A striker hits his ball through wicket #1 and lands very close to the out of bounds line but not out. Is the ball placed nine inches in from the line before the striker hits it again?
The striker's ball always retains its position, even when within 9 inches. There is no option here. Likewise, there is no situation in which a shot may be played with any ball other than the striker's within 9 inches. Of course, at the end of a turn, all balls must be placed that 9 inches.
A striker hits his ball through wicket #1 and lands very close to the out of bounds line but not out. Is the ball placed nine inches in from the line before the striker hits it again?
The striker's ball always retains its position, even when within 9 inches. There is no option here. Likewise, there is no situation in which a shot may be played with any ball other than the striker's within 9 inches. Of course, at the end of a turn, all balls must be placed that 9 inches.
Website Page last modified May 23, 2019